Georgia Center for the Book


What's Next at GCB

What’s Next at GCB

Learn more about and reg­is­ter for our upcom­ing events!

The Book As Art

The Book As Art

Dis­cov­er The Book As Art v.12: Rock, Paper, Scis­sors, which is open Sep­tem­ber 5th — Octo­ber 28th, 2024, on the Fourth Floor of the Decatur Library. Learn more about pre­vi­ous exhi­bi­tions as well.

Revival: Lost Southern Voices

Revival: Lost Southern Voices

Check out Revival: Lost South­ern Voic­es, a fes­ti­val for read­ers, that cel­e­brates his­tor­i­cal­ly exclud­ed, erased, or mar­gin­al­ized South­ern voices.

Fine Arts Exhibition

Fine Arts Exhibition

Explore the 35th annu­al Fine Arts Exhi­bi­tion vir­tu­al­ly! It explored Forced Per­spec­tive” as the 2024 theme. When expe­ri­ences chal­lenge our world­view, when encoun­ters lead to a reex­am­i­na­tion of long-held beliefs, when we real­ize jar­ring truths or wit­ness inescapable real­i­ties … artists and audi­ences are invit­ed to con­sid­er how endur­ing dis­com­fort affects how we relate to our­selves, each oth­er, and the world.

Georgia Poetry in the Parks

Geor­gia Poet­ry in the Parks

Vis­it the online home of Geor­gia Poet­ry in the Parks, a cel­e­bra­tion of Geor­gia poets and Georgia’s green spaces. Look out for some excit­ing news about the future of this project soon.

GCB on YouTube

GCB on YouTube

Explore the dig­i­tal archive of our pre­vi­ous vir­tu­al or hybrid events on our YouTube channel.

Roadmap to Reading: Great Reads from Great Places

Every year, a list of books rep­re­sent­ing the lit­er­ary her­itage of the 50 states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia, Puer­to Rico and the U.S. Vir­gin Islands is dis­trib­uted by the Library of Congress’s Cen­ter for the Book dur­ing the Nation­al Book Fes­ti­val. For 2024, states picked both a Young Read­ers’ Selec­tion and an Adult Read­ers’ Selec­tion. The Young Read­er’s Selec­tion is The Lum­ber­ing Giants of Windy Pines by Mo Netz.

Roadmap to Reading: Great Reads from Great Places

Every year, a list of books rep­re­sent­ing the lit­er­ary her­itage of the 50 states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia, Puer­to Rico and the U.S. Vir­gin Islands is dis­trib­uted by the Library of Congress’s Cen­ter for the Book dur­ing the Nation­al Book Fes­ti­val. For 2024, states picked both a Young Read­ers’ Selec­tion and an Adult Read­ers’ Selec­tion. The Adult Read­er’s Selec­tion is A Scrap in the Bless­ings Jar: New & Select­ed Poems by David Bottoms.


Books All Georgians and Young Georgians Should Read 2024

Books All Georgians and Young Georgians Should Read 2024

Check out the 2024 lists of Books All Geor­gians and Books All Young Geor­gians Should Read!

Monthly Featured Books & Resources

Monthly Featured Books & Resources

Learn more about and find resources for our fea­tured books each month (from Feb­ru­ary to Novem­ber) from the 2024 Books All Geor­gians and Young Geor­gians Should Read!

Previous Books All Georgians Should Read Lists

Previous Books All Georgians Should Read Lists

Explore lists of Books All Geor­gians Should Read from pre­vi­ous years.

Previous Books All Young Georgians Should Read Lists

Previous Books All Young Georgians Should Read Lists

Dis­cov­er Books All Young Geor­gians Should Read from years past.

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